Salty 100

A couple weeks ago my brother Rangi ran in the Salt Flats 100 mile race.  I know, he's insane.  The whole fam was going out to Wendover.  Some of us to run, some of us to eat, but all of us to support.  
I'm just glad I was in the eating group.  Ricker, Cher, Grandma Phyl and I rode the Fun Bus out to Wendover playing Bingo and working hard to earn our free buffet.

We got to Wendover and met up with the runners at the the Bate's Motel...
I'd say 1 in 6.
^^^Our chances of being murdered in said motel.
While Rangi had already been running the entire day, we headed to the Montego Bay Seafood Buffet.  It is by far the best buffet in Wendover, take it from an experienced Fun Busser.
This little one more than enjoyed herself at the buffet.  

 I already mentioned our classy motel we stayed in.  It even went up a notch when we noticed later that a carnival was being set up right next door.  Score!
How many carnivals have I got this photo?  Millie was the only caucasian child we saw the whole night.  What do white people have against carnies anyways???
 Grandma Cher buying Millie some Cotton Candy.
I stole the rest of these pics from Rangi's blog.
He did an awesome job describing the 100 miler.  You can read his story here.
When I told people we were going to Wendover to watch my brother run 100 miles these were a few of the replies I got...
"Oh so he's running in a team race?  How many of the miles will he run?"
"How much of it is he biking/swimming?"
My personal favorite...
"Is he doing it by horseback?"

My reply was always the same:
"No.  HE is running all 100 miles by himself."
My cousin Rhett, bro Rangi and family friend Bram all competed.  It is a brutal run and not for the faint of heart.  Honestly, not only do you have to be in top physical shape but mentally you have to be very strong.   I think Rangi is one of the strongest willed people and that definitely helped him finish the race  in such good time.  If we didn't have the same hair and nose, I would seriously doubt we were even related.
What an accomplishment running across the finish line after running 100 miles!
I love this pic above.  My mom was the first person he hugged.  She was so proud of him.
We all were!!!
He took 16th place finishing in 27 hours!

The brutal aftermath.  A blister that covered his entire foot.  Ouch!
Good job Rang!  You are my hero.


This is insane and unbelievable. I thought a marathon sounded awful....100 miles!
This is insane and unbelievable. I thought a marathon sounded awful....100 miles!
Grandma Cher said…
What a Great tribute to Rangi, I love the Bates Motel comments too, and what is it about Millie and Carnivals?
Rangi said…
I never saw this. Thanks for the props. You totally have all the same mental toughness I do or you would have terminated the pregnancy of your dogs when you found out it coincided with your own.

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