Millie Bean is 5 months!

Baby Mills is 5 months!  She just keeps getting cuter...

When you look at her you cant help but smile, and neither can she:)
She is one of the happiest babies around.  She is almost ALWAYS happy!  You cant help but be happy when Mills is around.
Baby Mills and Hot Mom Roxanne Smart. ha ha, just playin.
Rox is such a great mom.  She loves Millie more than anything.  Millie loves Rox so much too!
Check out the sweet baby ugg boots and bear coat.  I already dibs the bear coat for my baby... If I ever have one... ah ha.
Seriously though... how could someone not instantly love that face??  Millie has gotten so big!  She is finally starting to get a ton of rolls:)  Which we love.  She still doesn't hold a candle to Baby Jillian, but we're workin on it!!  Nothing is cuter than rolls on a baby.  I can't believe Mills is already 5 months but at the same time it seems like she's always been around.  We love her so much!


Mindy said…
Great 5 month pictures! You definitely captured her cute personality, I don't think I have ever seen such a good baby (and my babies are pretty dang good).
Sara said…
Sara told me that Millie is the cutest baby she has ever seen after Jillian. I corrected her by saying she was the cutest after Rigdon, Olivia, Caroline and Jillian, which still allows you to be a pretty darn cute baby, but she is definitely a way better baby than any of them. Thanks for posting. (Finally.)


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